Friday, June 24, 2011


I have to study 9 subjects just in 5 weeks . But, I'm so lazy to open my book and read it. I'm so lazy to go to my room and switch on the light and sit on the chair and open the book. I'm so lazy to open my eyes wider and read and remember the important point. I'm so lazy to revive the topic that I have learn. Yeah, I'm soooo lazy. I really wish that time will wait for me. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Okay found this on a random blog. HAHA

  1. .Lelaki tak suka perempuan yang suka flirting. melainkan korang flirting ngan kitorang. sebabnya agak obvious  ye kawan2.
  2. Lelaki bukan psikik. kitorang tak tahu apa yang species korang nak. just get to the point.
  3. Lelaki akan suka perempuan yang dorang minat, walaupun korang tak cantik. sebab kami berharap yang korang akan berubah jadi cantik. so, jangan kecewakan kami.
  4. Shopping is not a sport. one sentence says it all.
  5. Jangan tanya korang gemuk ke tak. aku berani jamin jawapan yang akan korang dengar adalah 'you're beautiful, just the way you are'. Bruno Mars is still a guy, duuhhhhhhh.
  6. Kalau lelaki tanya 'tengah buat apa tu'. tak payah jawab. kitorang sebenarnya saja nak curi masa untuk pikir soalan seterusnya.
  7. Jangan sekali-kali cakap 'takpelah, abaikan'. kau dah buka cerita lepas tu ingat kitorang nak terus lupakan?... we guys go all the way la babe.
  8. kalau dah ada balak, jangan cakap ngan jantan lain. sebabnya amat mudah, lelaki sangat jealous. kami sangat paranoid yang kamu semua akan dirampas. blame it on the TV, they put these images into us.
  9. Lelaki suka perempuan yang pandai masak. bukan sebab kitorang kuat makan. tapi sebab ape guna dapur kat rumah tu (kalau dah kawin) tapi tak pernah berasap?
  10. Lelaki suka mengalah.sebab kitorang takkan menang any argument with girls. so kalau ada lagi perempuan hantar e-mail mengarut, aku akan angguk kepala je la.malas nak layan.

Nak jawab laaah. And here we go :)

  1. Well takde lah flirting sangat pun kalau org tu yg tegur. And FYI, kadang kadang mmg saje flirting nak kasi korng jealous. Dgn harapan, korang ada perasaan -.-
  2. Sometimes girls are just all about berkias kias. Korang kena lah faham sendiri Haha. Lagipun korng pun suka cakap belit belit Tapi kitorng diamkan aje eventhough dah tau korng tipu sbb malas nak layan (?)
  3. Jangan lah harap kitorng je nk cantik utk korng, kitorng pun nak jugak bf hnsm Mwehehe
  5. Bila kitorng tanya soalan tu sebab sometimes we just feel insecure about ourselves. Korng layan je laa bila kitorng tanya tuuu. And mmg saja je tanya soalan tu sbb nak dgr korng kata YES BABY YOU CANTIK ;p Tapi kalau korng jwb tak, sumpah nak kena sepak laju laju.
  6. 'Tengah buat apa tu?' mmg antara soalan yg dibenci. Somehow dijawab jugak sbb kitorng pun tak tau nk ckp apa -.-
  7. Tang abaikan tu, haha korng pun sama kot, jgn ckp byk. Just so you know, no matter how hard you try to hide somethng from a girl, kami akan tau jugaaa (Y)
  8. Macam mana kalau korng yg cakap dgn perempuan lain ? Ingat kami tak jealous ? -.-
  9. Mwehehe bab masak tak terasa sbb i pun reti masak youuuu ;p
  10. And perempuan pun tak suka bila lelaki asyk mengalah je, make us feel mcm EH KAU NI LADY BOSS SIOTTTTTTTTT :)
And btw, kalau tak suka perempuan tu, jgn kasi false hope boleh tak? I've seen most of my friends buat mcm tu, kesian je perempuan tu -.- Karma will surely come and get you one day Hihi

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011


So we went to ijan today. I mean three of us Sarah, Farid and Akmal :) oh not to forget Hanif. Hihi. Im soooo happy. Had fun with them :D Thanks guyssss. Okayy enough with that post.

Tomorrow after school im off to bangi. I have easymaths :( Hm i dont want to go but then my mom said ' mama dah bayar, pergi pergi pergi ' and i was like errrrrrrrrrrr ok mama. as you wish. Yeah im going tomorrow and ill be back on friday. Miss me ? I knowww :') Wish me luck guyssss

Lots of love,
Nadhirah Athaillah :D

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Exam dah habis Wooooooo. Teachers, please be gooooood :/
Esok Teachers day celebration, I know lambaaat, tapi janji celebrate.
And flashmob esok ? Pehh steps pun tak ingat -.-
And Friday camping in Putrajaya, Heehoo.

And lagi satu, nak potong rambut esok.
Byebye long hair :(

My love-hate relationship w my hair will be over soon :'(

Khilda Farhanah ♥

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Haah, mmg mcm blog kau sorang dah pun.
Setelah berkurun, AKU DAH UPDATE KAN ♥

Khilda Farhanah ♥